Year : 2012
Client: National Heritage Institute - Ministry of Culture
Location: Carthage, Tunisia
The project includes the Borj with its surrounding landscape. It focuses on the immediate vicinity, which consist primarily of the sheepfold, stables, gardens around the Borj, at its original agricultural land and its openness to the landscape.
The various actions recommended are:
- Accès au site par la route d’accès actuelle ;
- Implantation d’une zone de stationnement ;
- Création d’un parcours de visite et d’interprétation du site par un circuit balisé reliant des points d’intérêt à des époques différentes, dispersés dans la totalité du site pour ne pas altérer le paysage actuel ;
- Une mise en valeur des principaux éléments et édifices existants (tel que bergerie, écuries, puits, …) par des dispositifs d’interprétation et de compréhension du fonctionnement initial du site (dans un but pédagogique pour les enfants essentiellement) ;
- La restauration des jardins autour du Borj ;
- Une reconstitution partielle du paysage agraire et des jardins potagers antiques surtout au niveau des parcelles qui sont clairement identifiées, autour du Borj.
A staging of various elements which make know-how agricultural and mastery of water of the different human occupations that have succeeded each other the course of time
Year : 2006-2012
Client: Agency for the Development of Heritage and Cultural Promotion - Ministry of Culture
Location: Carthage, Tunisia
Year : 2004-2006
Client: GEOIDD-AZIMUT, BRLi France, Ministry of Culture, Agency for the Development of Heritage and Cultural Promotion
Location: Oudhna, Tunisia
The project focuses itself at the landscape of Oudhna as a whole. It is to have a landscape setting for the site, its envelope and a staging of particular elements. Our goal is, first, do not artificialize the site to avoid disturbing the reading that emerges from the establishment of the Roman city, of its agricultural land, of the ruins, of the gardens of Domus and of the open landscapes, and secondly, to stage a panoramic ride on the surrounding landscape and the various monuments and buildings of the ancient city. It is not a question to naturalize the site as a whole, but rather to visually link the different elements that make its strength and its identity and, in particular, from the Capitol promontory
The "Orchard" is used for the parking area. A hedge of Vitex agnus-casti floods the cars and allows disguise them to a maximum. It is planted with Populus alba, which although not a fruit tree, represents a difference with the other trees of the site and brings the notion of season at the location.
The primary visitor trail, of 2 meters wide, allows a path at the site scale without creating too wide roads. Axes of 3 and 4 meters are installed for the purpose of operating and securing the site. The path is demarcated by a stone border fits flush with the existing ground. The flooring is clay treated and stabilized with greasy lime.
Le circuit secondaire, également en terre battue, passe à 1 mètre de large et n'est pas délimité par une bordure en pierre.
The ancient Roman road system, not being completely defined, will have a variable width. It will correspond to the size of the original streets and squares by following the stones of original facades and frames. The alley will be enclosed of about 10 cm. It will be demarcated by the old bottom of buildings and its pavement will be identical to the other visitor trails.
Des structures légères d’observation dites "haltes" ponctuent le parcours de visite et offrent des points d’observation permettant de restituer la cité dans son contexte paysager. Au niveau des belvédères sur les aqueducs et le grand paysage, une plantation de Pinus pinea est prévue. Au niveau de la halte belvédère d’entrée de la ville, des moutonnements arbustifs sont projetés avec des Câpriers, présentant un intérêt par leur floraison remarquable et leur port.
The gardens of the two big Roman houses of Labérii and Industrius, are restored according to their organization and their original architecture. They consist of roses for their color, their aroma and their nobility, of acanthus for its elegance, of ivy as a ground cover or, occasionally, topiary art, of sour orange used in alignment as structural elements and of lavender for its flavors, its texture and its special color.
The existing olive grove, to the right of the great Baths of Trajan, is enhanced by the planting of olive trees in the missing.